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Stakeholder Meetings

Stakeholder board meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of each month, and are open to the public for all to attend.  Stakeholders are any members in the community that live, work, or go to school within the Mid City boundaries.  These meetings are your opportunity to see what's going on in the neighborhood, and let your voice be heard. Meetings may be in person or held virtually on Zoom - the agenda will specify.


Agendas are posted each month that detail what will be covered in the meeting.  There are two ways to speak at these meetings: One, you can contact MINC if there is something you would like to present to the board, and have it placed on the agenda, or two, fill out a public comment form whenever you attend a meeting (for virtual meetings you can use the raise hand icon or press *9 from your touchstone phone).


ZOOM Link for virtual meetings



Budget committee

Co-Chairs: Jennifer Goodie & Laura Rhinehart /

Members: Julianna Lassleben, Mark Prince, Roxie McClenton, Liana Engie.


If you have a project which you would like to present to the budget committee, please email the details to the committee chair. See our current budget and spending here.


4th THURSdaY @ 6:30pm

ZOOM Registration Link

outreach committee

Co-Chairs: Jennifer Zelazny & Sarge Hall /

Members: Brittany Blackie, Jennifer Goodie, Julianna Lassleben, Leah Manjarrez, Renee Harris, Liana Engie.


If you would like to be added to the meeting agenda please email the outreach chairs.


Joint OUTREACH & Plum meeting

3rd monday @ 6:30pm

ZOOM Registration Link


planning & land use management (plum) committee

Co-Chairs: Birgittta Croil-Snell & Roxie McClenton /

Members: Jennifer Zelazny, Julianna Lassleben, Leah Manjarrez, Lily Larsen, Liana Engie, Wendell Greer, Melissa Guerrero.


If you would like to be added to the meeting agenda to present a project please email the PLUM chairs.


Joint Outreach & PLUM Meeting

3rd Monday @ 6:30pm

ZOOM Registration Link

Racial Justice CommitteE (RJC)

Co-Chairs: Brittany Blackie & Cherelle Hartley /


Members: Liana Engie, Leah Manjarrez, M Sarge Hall, Roxie McClenton. 


What we do: ensuring every agenda item MINC discusses is examined through a racial justice lens, reimaginging public safety in MINC and having an ongoing and honest dialogue with law enforcement in LA, giving a space for folks to talk about racial justice issues.


If you would like to be added to the meeting agenda to present a project please email the Racial Justice chairs.


4th Monday @ 6:30pm

ZOOM Registration Link

Unhoused & Housing Committee

Chair: Leah Manjarrez /


Members: Jennifer Goodie, Liana Engie, Alyx Davis, Jean Lundquist



If you would like to be added to the meeting agenda to present a project please email the Unhoused Committee chairs.


3rd Thursdays @ 6:30pm

Zoom Registration Link

Public Arts Committee

Chair: Lily Larsen & Wren Brown /


Members: Liana Engie, Leah Manjarrez, Allison Bamcat.


If you would like to be added to the meeting agenda to present a project please email the arts chair.


(Generally) 1st Monday @ 6:30PM

Zoom Link


Discover Books Ad Hoc Committee

Chair: Jennifer Liebe-Zelazny /


Members: Liana Engie, Laura Rhinehart.


What we do: Coordinate MINC's partnership with Discover Books. Determine where book drop off bins will be placed, receive refurbished books, and organize distribution throughout the community.​





Chair: Jennifer Goodie /


Members: Julianna Lassleben, Laura Rhinehart, Wendell Greer.


What we do: Discuss possibilities for the California Clean Local Grant.​




BY LAWS Ad Hoc Committee

Chair: Jennifer Goodie /


Members: Birgitta Croil-Snell, Julianna Lassleben, Wendell Greer.​


What we do: Clean up MINC's By Laws by the LA Department of Neighborhood Empowerment's (DONE) due date in April 2022.​




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PO Box 78642
Los Angeles, CA


Phone:  323-732-5085

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© 2024 by the Mid City Neighborhood Council

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