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Looking for resources for specific situations? This page contains:

  • community organizations in our boundaries doing important work,

  • community programs who have partnered with us, and

  • non-commercial resources of general use to our residents.

The resources on this page are not affiliated with MINC. They are provided as a courtesy to our community. At this time, we are not adding any resources related to medical services. If your organization would like to be added to this resource page, please contact for further details.       

Our other resources pages:

Alternative Emergency Response & DIsputes


Community Action Teams (CAT-911): 

CAT-911 is building a Southern California-wide network of Community Action Teams (CAT) which can operate as resources for responding to community needs as alternatives to 911 in:

  • Peacebuilding around conflict resolution between individuals or groups in neighborhoods

  • Police violence

  • Domestic violence

  • Sexual violence

  • Mental health crisis

  • Acute first aid needs when paramedics are not responding or there is a concern about police involvement


LA City Attorney Free Dispute Resolution

The City Attorney’s Office offers free mediation services to residents and businesses that is neutral, unbiased and confidential: (213) 978-1880 OR!blank/ut08b



We are building a database of artists in our region! Fill out this form if you are an artist interested in being included, possibly to be highlighted on this website. INTERESTED IN HIRING AN ARTIST FOR A PROJECT? Let us know and we will help you find an artist on our database who might fit the bill!

Blackstreet Puppet Theater:

LA Libreria: books for kids en espanol.

Nate Holden Performing Arts Center: a multi-use complex comprised of a theatre, a rehearsal hall/studio, an open-air lobby complete with a box office and concession area, a cabaret and gallery space.

St. Elmo's Village: A gathering and learning space for creativity.

William Grant Still Art Center: a facility of the City of Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs offering summer camp, creative workshops, music and art classes for adults and youth, an exhibition space, concerts, and places for community meetings and the neighborhood to come together.

Dance Resource Center: Has a covid-19 resources page for LA Dance Artists.

LA City Graffiti Abatement:

Business Assistance

For Businesses

Become a disaster resistance business with the DRB Toolkit:

Occasionally LA City's Emergency Management Department has free business resiliency webinars with DRB.


LA County Business Support

You can get free, one-on-one counseling and support from the L.A. County Help Center during the COVID-19 emergency.

Call (833) 238-4450

Follow them on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram

CA Employent Development Department

For businesses that can’t afford to keep employees on full time but do not want to furlough them, California offers the Work Share program. Employees become eligible for partial unemployment benefits while still allowing business owners to keep them on staff for the remaining hours.




We have three elementary schools within MINC's boundaries.

Alta Loma Elementary:

Marvin Avenue Elementary:

New LA Charter Middle School:


Los Angeles Public Library (LAPL) has a series of kid's programs, including Kid's Path, reading programs, and the LAPL Student Success Center. Online tutoring may be available. The nearby Baldwin Hills Branch also has a Student Zone, an adult literacy center, Spanish language collection, and STEM reading days. 

PBS SoCal's At Home Learning: an early childhood education resource (for ages 2-8) to help families, educators and community partners support students during the school year. Find At-Home Learning activities, guides, and expert advice below, to expand learning and family engagement.

Childcare Resource Center (CCRC): manages programs to assist with issues such as finding and selecting child care and child care financial assistance to families in Northern Los Angeles and San Bernadino.

Mom's Club West Adams: The local chapter of MOMS (Moms offering moms support) Org:


Safe Place For Youth: empowering young people experiencing homelessness to thrive by providing lasting, community-driven solutions that address racial and social inequity.

My Friend's Place: offers comprehensive services to homeless youth between the ages of 12 and 25, and their children out of their resource center in Hollywood.​

Emergency Preparedness


FYI MINC is preparing a CERT Neighborhood Team Program and updating our Resilience Plan! Look for that in the future.

Community Response System of South LA: The Coronavirus Community Response System of South Los Angeles (CRSSLA) is a collaborative effort of key community-based organizations, churches, educational institutions and other stakeholders in South Los Angeles.


Their goal is to identify resources for emergency operations centers, medical triage, distribution centers, and command centers that coordinate with various government agencies responsible for deploying information and resources in our area in case of a pandemic or other crises.

City of LA Family Prep Brochure:


CA Governor's Office of Emergency Services (CalOES) info for families and individuals from the state for disaster preparedness:

City of LA's Resiliency Plan: A dense but fascinating resource.  Our neighbors will likely be our first responders in the case of a natural disaster, civil unrest, and 'stresses' within our community. English PDF here, español aqui.

More palatable is the Ready Your LA Neighborhood video and website:



Onward CA: A resource for those who have lost their jobs due to the covid-19 pandemic. search jobs, resources, reduced cost services and goods, and more.

LA Jobs Portal:

California Film Commission's resources page for entertainment jobs:

Food insecurity


St Vincent Meals on Wheels: in Los Angeles, over 250,000 seniors are at risk for hunger. St. Vincent Meals on Wheels serves as the safety net for many of those seniors who are hungry and homebound.

CalFresh: California's Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) provider provides monthly grocery assistance that expands by the number of people in you support. Since the pandemic, benefits have increased. You can get grocery delivery as well.

Homelessness & UNHOUSED


The Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) is the lead agency in the Los Angeles Continuum of Care, which is the regional planning body that coordinates housing and services for homeless families and individuals in Los Angeles County.

LAHSA hotline: 213-225-6581

LAHSA outreach request portal (LA-HOP):

Los Angeles County Coordinated Entry System (LA County CES):

CES allows users to efficiently and effectively connect people to interventions that aim to rapidly resolve their housing crisis. CES works to connect the highest need, most vulnerable persons in the community to available housing and supportive services equitably.CES allows users to efficiently and effectively connect people to interventions that aim to rapidly resolve their housing crisis. CES works to connect the highest need, most vulnerable persons in the community to available housing and supportive services equitably.

Winter and Weather-Activated Shelter List here:


SELAH Neighborhood Homeless Coalition is a group out of the neighborhood councils in Silver Lake, Echo Park, Los Feliz, Atwater Village, East Hollywood, Glassell Park and Cypress Park. They are a neighborhood-level movement responding to homelessness in a proactive, compassionate, and effective way. 


The LA City Attorney's website has a thorough breakdown of Los Angeles programs and ordinances related to homelessness.

Street Watch LA is a coalition of organizers concerned about tenants rights and the unhoused:


St. Joseph Center's housing program: permanent supportive housing for homeless and at-risk individuals. They lead the Coordinated Entry System for Families on the Westside, providing seamless services for homeless and at-risk families with children. Services include rapid re-housing with short-term rental assistance, referrals, and case management to assist families in securing and maintaining safe, stable permanent housing, ideally in (or near) their own area.

The People Concern: staff, volunteers and those we serve work together to address the effects of homelessness, poverty, mental and physical illness, abuse and addiction.​

GroundGame LA:  volunteers, staffers, and impacted community members across a broad range of neighborhoods, organizations, and campaigns. Their housing campaign helps the unhoused, tenants, and advocates for policy change.

Mentors INC: Provides interim housing and supportive services to non-violent convicted felons and their families as well as Safe Journey Routes for at-risk youth affected by gang involvement or street violence.

Community Fridges: Community fridges all over LA, although unfortunately the Mid City fridges have closed and do not plan to open again. Help donate or use their available goods! Please no spoiled food, trash dumping, or making the fridges a nuisance for neighbors. The comunity is struggling to get enough volunteers to handle all of the issues.


Home-y Made Meals: a community project to deliver home made meals to the unhoused. Within the safety and comfort of their homes, volunteers from all around Southern California prepare, deliver, and serve homemade meals every day, partnering with shelters and coalitions.

Housing: Tenants/Landlord rights


LA Tenants Union (LATU): LATU organizes buildings and neighbors to protect tenants from illegal evictions, landlord harassment, and unsafe conditions. Their mission is to strengthen tenants’ power through education, advocacy, and direct action.


Their handbook is intended to help tenants educate each other and organize:

CA Judicial Branch's Eviction Self Help Center: California Courts provides information on the eviction process, forms, and information about other services.

(see our City Services page to check current status of LA's evictions protections due to covid-19)

CA Department of Consumer Affairs' Tenants’ and Landlords’ Guide: A Californian's guide regarding landlord and tenant rights and responsibilities. PDF for the 2020 edition is here.

Local Rental Owners Collaborative (LROC): a free and open to rental property owners in South LA who own between 2-20 units and have tenants who are behind in their rent due to COVID-19.  If they qualify, this program will pay past due rent back to March 2020 through a grant.


The goal is to form a collaborative of local rental owners to help them maintain their buildings and retain ownership in an uncertain time. You can learn more at Or apply online at

LGBTQ+ REsources


The neighborhood council system has an LGBTQ+ Alliance!


NEWS & Watchdogs

CityWatchLA: provides news about Neighborhood Councils, DONE and interactions with City Council.


PLanning & Land Use

LA City Planning Department, how to track developments: 

  • To find zoning, building permits, and other info about properties, enter the address at

  • To look for information about a possible development project, click on the Case Numbers tab to find a list with existing case numbers. ORD stands for ordinances and codes. Development project case numbers often begin with ENV, DIR or VTT.

  • Enter the case number into "Advanced Case Search" at LA City Planning's homepage:

This allows you to find project info, hearing dates, city planning contacts and more.

Now, all Neighborhood Council PLUM members must complete the City's Planning 101 (Project Planning) training. Take a look if you're interested in the process; more details on our blog post here. Training here:

If you are wondering...

     How to check if a business is Operating Legally in the City of Los Angeles?
     How to file a Tenant Complaint?
     How to report Housing Code Violations?
     How to report ADA Accessibility Complaints?
     How to report complaints related to a Community Care Housing Business?
     How to reach out to your Community Lead Officer?
     How to report nuisance, violations and harmful situations to LAPD?

For those latter two, reach out to your Senior Lead Officer at the LAPD. List and map is on our City Services page.

Community Care Licensing Division (CCLD): This agency regulates the housing for certain programs: Adult Day Program, Adult ResidentialFacilities for Persons with Special Health Care Needs, Child Care Centers, Family Child CareHomes, Foster Family Homes, Group Homes, Social Rehabilitation Homes and TransitionalHousing Placement.
CCLD Complaint Hotline to file: “LET-US-No” (844) 587-8766

Los Angeles Office of Finance: If a business (from LLC to 1099) is within the City of Los Angeles, you must register for a Business Tax Registration Certificate, to avoid fines. This site allows you to check if the address associated with a business has indeed filed appropriate documentation to operate a business within the City of Los Angeles:

Housing Community Investment Development Los Angeles (HCIDLA):

  • To File Rent Stabilization Ordinance or Eviction Moratorium Complaint

    • Think your rent is being illegally increased, or that you are being illegally evicted? File a complaint and let a Housing Investigator assess the matter.

  • To Report a Code Violation

    • HCIDLA is responsible for investigating complaints about unsafe living conditions and code violations at multifamily rental properties within the City of Los Angeles.

  • To File an Accessibility Complaint (ADA)

    • File a complaint related to accessibility and discrimination based on disability.

Sexual, Domestic Violence & Abuse


LA County Domestic Violence Support: The County has programs for counseling, financial or safety planning, legal help, independent living assistance, education in household skills or parenting, and more. They maintain Battered Women Shelters and Walk-In Centers.

If you are a victim of domestic violence and you are not a citizen (undocumented or have a temporary legal status) but have children, you may be eligible to apply for immigration status for yourself and children confidentially under the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). 

The County also has a hotline to report elder abuse: 1-877-477-3646

National Domestic Violence Hotline:

Center for the Asian Pacific Family: An org committed to ending domestic and sexual violence in Asian Pacific Islander (API) communities by breaking through language, cultural, and institutional barriers.

Jewish Family Center LA: The JFSLA has services and support for aging, mental health, special needs, and more. They offer domestic violence counseling and support as well as two emergency shelters and transitional housing.


The Recovery Village: Drug and alcohol rehab facilities that provide information and support to people fighting domestic abuse, mental illness and addiction. Their mission is to be a support resource for those using drugs and alcohol to coping with issues such as the pain of domestic and sexual abuse. Though they have no locations in California, they have a list resources on their site and a hotline.

The City Attorney created a list of Abuse Hotlines, also shown below.




LA Slow Streets

Apply for your residential street to get a speed hump, extra signage, or become a designated Slow Street during the duration of covid-19 shelter-in-place orders. This means that the street is open for local access, emergency vehicles, delivery and drop-off. Streets will be closed to through traffic and all vehicles are asked to maintain slow speeds during this time.

If you are not part of an organization allowed to apply  (e.g. block clubs, business associations, churches, homeowners associations), the neighborhood council can apply for you. Reach out and we can discuss at a stakeholder meeting.


LA County Bicycle Coalition: a membership-based nonprofit organization that works to make all communities in LA County healthy, safe, and fun places to ride a bike through advocacy, education, and outreach.


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PO Box 78642
Los Angeles, CA


Phone:  323-732-5085

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© 2024 by the Mid City Neighborhood Council

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