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Upcoming Metro meetings and opportunities for input!

Crenshaw Extension

The Crenshaw Northern Extension project will extend the Crenshaw/LAX Transit Project, currently under construction, to the north and will connect the South Bay, LAX area, South Los Angeles, Inglewood and Crenshaw corridor to Mid-City, Central Los Angeles, West Hollywood and Hollywood, allowing for further connections to points north in the San Fernando Valley via the Metro Red Line. Further, the project would link four Metro Rail lines (C (Green), E (Expo), D (Purple), and B (Red)) and five of the top ten busiest bus lines in the country.

The project was approved in 2016 by LA County voters in Measure M. Currently that sets a groundbreaking date of 2041 and project completion date of 2047. Metro is conducting this study at this time as there are local efforts underway to identify funding to deliver this project earlier.

Based on earlier studies, the Metro Board of Directors selected three alignments for further analysis in the environmental study stage. Metro is hosting virtual meetings to provide the public with a project overview and to capture stakeholder input and feedback on alignment alternatives. The remaining two meetings will be held on the following days and times:

Thursday, May 6, 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM Zoom link: Meeting ID: 829 9668 0178

Saturday, May 8, 10 AM – Noon Zoom link: Meeting ID: 848 8036 3069

Comments will be accepted until May 28. Comments may be sent by email to or by visiting or call LA Metro at 213.418.3093.

Speaking of which...

Crenshaw/LAX Transit Project

The project team will host a construction update meeting on May 27, 2021, at 6pm. No registration required.

Call-In: 888 788 0099 (Toll Free) or 833 548 0276 (Toll Free) Webinar ID: 945 2777 0011

Reimaginging Public Safety on the Metro

Metro has established a transit Public Safety Advisory Committee (PSAC), which will work to review, comment and provide input on how the agency can re-imagine public safety on its system. The PSAC will work with Metro’s System Security and Law Enforcement, Office of Civil Rights, Office for Equity and Race and the Executive Officer for Customer Experience in developing a community-based approach to public safety on the transit system. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Developing a mission and values statement for transit policing.

  • Developing a transit ambassador program that provides staff presence at Metro facilities and on Metro vehicles.

  • Identifying alternatives to armed law enforcement response to nonviolent crimes and code of conduct violations.

  • Enhancing greater community stewardship of transit spaces.

  • The Universal Blue Light program proposed in Metro’s June 2018 ridership initiatives.

  • Education about and expansion of Metro fare discount programs.

  • Outreach and services for unhoused individuals.

  • Provide input on the new scope of services, budget and other provisions of the multiagency police contract renewal.

  • Review Metro’s Customer Code of Conduct.

  • A shift of resources from armed law enforcement to the above strategies.

The Advisory Committee's next meeting will be May 5, 2021, at 12pm. There's no registration required to attend the meeting, and can be accessed online.

Older Adult Transportation Expo

The On The Move Riders Program will host a Transportation Expo on May 26, 2021, starting at 9AM. Send an email to for more information and a link to register for the event.

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