It is with the heaviest of hearts that we inform you all that on Wednesday, December 30th, board member Milton Kizer died of a heart attack. Milton was only 39 years old and is survived by his wife and three children, aged 2, 4 and 6.

Milton threw himself into his role here, not only contributing with his experiences working with a youth organization in Mid City, but helping to lead our Racial Justice endeavors with passion, grace, and an ear for everyone.
MINC president, Julianna, sums it up well:
"I first met Milton six months ago when he was presenting a neighborhood purpose grant to our board, I was immediately impressed. It is not everyday that you meet someone so clearly competent, capable and compassionate and a few weeks later I reached out and asked him to join our board. With a little cajoling, and a promise that he could resign any time if it wasn't a good fit, he agreed to submit an application.
In the brief time he served on MINC he modeled an exemplary standard of civic minded engagement and individual compassion. Not only did Milton Co-Chair the MINC Racial Justice Committee, but he laid the groundwork for a stronger relationship between the Mid City community and LAPD Wilshire Division. More importantly he was present and aware to the needs of his fellow board members, reaching out with wellbeing checks when needed."
We feel very honored to have worked with Milton. His absence will be felt deeply.
There will be a remembrance at our January stakeholder meeting. Please attend and add to our tribute.