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February meeting recap!

Did you miss our Stakeholder meeting on Monday, February 14th? The agenda, documents, and minutes are all up here. Select updates below!

Community Impact Statement on Mobility Plan

On August 11, 2015 the Los Angeles City Council adopted Mobility Plan 2035 as the first update to the City’s General Plan Transportation Element since 1999. The Plan calls for a comprehensive and connected network of pedestrian, bike, transit, and vehicle facilities. However, only 3% of the bike lane miles have been completed over six years later

MINC approved a CIS calling for implementation to be made compulsory if Los Angeles is to achieve the vision of a diverse, sustainable, safe, and efficient road network for all Angelenos.

Community Impact Statement on lobbying notifications

Under section 48.08.8 of the current lobbying ordinance, a lobbyist disclosure is only required for written communications to neighborhood councils. The ordinance should be updated to include the same disclosure when a lobbyist makes an oral presentation or public comment to a neighborhood council that is related to their lobbying efforts.

MINC approved a CIS to this effect and has submitted it to City Council.

Community Impact Statement on CF 20-0963 Neighborhood Council Elections / Fiscal Year 2020-21 / COVID-19 Pandemic

The Reseda Neighborhood Council has uncovered some very questionable financial decisions made by the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment regarding the last election. MINC would like additional information and supports asking DONE and the contracted organizations to provide more detailed documentation about election spending prior to requests for the 2023 budget to be considered as a million dollars is being requested for the next election. The last election had low turnout and other issues. MINC approved a CIS expressing concern and requesting more information to be made public.

Government Reports

Assemblymember Isaac Bryan's Office

A field rep for ASM Bryan's office gave an cverview of bills he has proposed for this legislative session. Look up details at

  1. AB1670 Commission on alternatives to incarceration

  2. AB1685 parking violations for vehicles

  3. AB1735 coster care bill, giving non native english speakers accessibility to documentation

  4. AB1798 disclosures on advertisement for campaigns

  5. AB1816 reentry housing and workforce development

  6. AB1823 ALS grant extension for renovations to their homes

  7. AB1848 copies of district maps for redistricting

  8. AB1861 tax credit for hiring foster youth

  9. AB1913 Los Angeles Community College District: California Center for Climate Change Education

There will be a town hall on the 22nd of February to discuss this and more.

LAFD Battalion 18

A piloting program operating Therapeutic Vans will begin in our area on March 6th

  1. The van has 3 people:

    1. Licensed psychiatric technician

    2. Peer support specialist

    3. Clinical driver

  2. Assist with 911 calls, handling mentally ill people. Diverge folks to a mental facility rather than entering the ER

  3. Currently with the pandemic, sometimes EMTs are waiting to admit people into the ER


  1. LA County Fire Captain passed away on duty due to heart attack. Please get an annual physical and be proactive about discovering health issues.

  2. Check your earthquake preparedness!

  3. If you're going to events, be aware that active shooters are a possibility, please look at CERT LA’s website and there are many links for preparation tools.

    1. It helps LAFD and other first responders if you are self sufficient during these incidents.

Additional information

We also listened to a presentation from Tree People about their Water Talk program, which will be the subject of a separate blog post.

LAUSD Government Liaison was unable to attend the meeting and has sent updates, which will also be posted on this blog.


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Los Angeles, CA


Phone:  323-732-5085

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© 2024 by the Mid City Neighborhood Council

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