For those of you who were unable to join -- or perhaps stay through the entirety -- of MINC's Stakeholder Meeting on February 8th, here is a summary of the Community Impact Statements that were passed. Check out the meeting minutes, because we also passed several motions in relation to our budget and there were some other fun announcements.
Join us next time and give comment with your opinion on what we should be supporting and opposing!

CIS in Support of Council File 21-0031: Re-Imagine Sweeps
Text of the CIS: "We, the Mid City Neighborhood Council, are requesting that you support Council File 21-0031. For months, local activists and our unhoused neighbors have called out the cruelty of “sweeps,” also known as CARE and CARE+ operations. During COVID-19 especially, these protocols increase the risk of infection among our most vulnerable populations. The motion put forth by councilmembers Bonin and Raman presents a much more humane alternative that actually aims to provide services to those experiencing homelessness, and the city council should support it wholly."
CIS in Opposition to Council File 20-0147: Resumption of SECZ Sweeps
What started as a January 2020 motion to request the LA County Health department report potential effects of coronavirus on residents of the City of Los Angeles has been amended a number of times to focus on hygiene. An amendment changes the file to authorize resumption of cleaning and Rapid Engagement Plus (CARE+) cleanups within Special Cleaning Zones around shelters.
MINC voted to oppose the amendment. We have seen the cruel aftermath of this type of cleanup, which displaces and disrupts the unhoused as opposed to helping them get off the street or providing services to keep encampments clean. More context can be read in the documents submitted to the city regarding this council file, or attend an Unhoused & Housing Committee meeting 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month to ask for more info!
CIS in Support of Council File 20-1225: Support LA Green New deal Initiatives
Text of the CIS: "We, the Mid City Neighborhood Council, applaud the City council’s initiative to explore ways to sequester carbon, increase water capture, and support biodiversity by rebuilding healthy soil through urban agriculture. We are thrilled to hear that, if passed, Council File 20-1225 would also explore adding green jobs to our economy, may result in the use of fewer harmful chemicals in landscaping by the city, and may unpave underutilized space to be used for composting or mulching operations."
CIS in support of council file 21-0002-S30: Fare-free transit
The Council Resolution in question moves that, with concurrence of the Mayor, the City of LA include in its 2021-22 Federal Legislative program support or sponsorhip of legislation to provide funds to state and local agencies to provide fare-free transit. Meaning, LA City isn't using its budget to make public transit free, but supporting wider legislation to make LA public transit free.
MINC will submit a statement in support of fare-free transit, which will encourage transit equity moving out of the pandemic, allowing marginalized community as equal use of public roads as other populations, encouraging active transport around the city for residents of our parks-poor neighborhood, and better supporting the metro.