Comprised of up to twenty-three (23) people, the Mid City Neighborhood Council Governing Board members are chosen in general elections. Vacant seats may be filled by application and a majority vote of current board members. Elections are held in the first or second quarter of odd numbered years, spaced in two-year intervals. Region Representatives serve a four (4) year term. All other Representatives serve two (2) year terms. Appointed board members fill out the term of the vacated seat.
Board members are sworn representatives of the City of Los Angeles and must pass finance and ethics certification training. At the bottom of this page is a link to training status of each board member. Neighborhood Council board members are entrusted to represent Mid City's interests to the Mayor, City Council and all City government departments and agencies and are tasked by the City Charter with “assisting in the delivery of city services” and “bringing government closer to the people” by holding public meetings within neighborhood council official boundaries and hearing the public’s opinion on matters of concern.
A stakeholder is anyone with a stake in our community: residents who live here, students who go to school in our region, people who own property within the boundaries, commercial merchants who operate in the neighborhood, and members of local organizations that are active here.
Open Seats
From time to time MINC has open board seats which can be filled by board appointment. See our Elections page for details. Email and come to a stakeholder meeting to find out more.
To see if your address is in Mid-City, please visit and input your address. Scroll down to “neighborhood council” to see which neighborhood council the address is located in. Our boundary map can be found here.
open Board seats
Region 4
Training Status
Board members must be up-to-date on several trainings to actively participate in board business, such as the State of California administered Ethics Training. You can check on the status of our board members and their trainings here.
Animal Services
Budget Representatives
C-PAB (Community Police Advisory Board)
Los Angeles Alliance of Neighborhood Councils
Public Safety
Public Works
Purposeful Aging
Recreation & Parks
South Los Angeles Alliance of
Neighborhood Councils